Dr. Margaret Morton
Dr. Margaret Morton

Dee Flemister
Dee Flemister

Lisa Allen, 2007
Lisa Allen, 2007

Dropped from 22.8% Body Fat to 18.2%
Increased lean mass from 108.9 lbs to 113.7
Increased muscle definition
Dropped from 32.1 lbs of fat to 25.3 lbs
Dropped time in Dallas White Rock marathon from 5 hrs 5 min to 4 hrs 12 min
(53 minutes)
“When I came to Personally Fit I was not happy with myself. I had been running for over 20 years but never improving and always going backwards. I was looking for a change and found more than I expected. The workouts have not only improved my running time but how I feel about myself. I truly have seen so many results and I thank Martin for all his dedication and encouragement.”
Carmela Davis,2008
Carmela Davis,2008

"When I had my annual physical recently, I was shocked at how much weight I had gained. I knew that I had gained some weight after having 3 children, but I was shocked to see the actual number. I left the doctor’s office and called Personally Fit. I had worked out there before my last child was born 3 years ago and knew they could whip me back into shape.
Shea Vogel was assigned to me as my personal trainer. She has been wonderful! I have enjoyed her enthusiasm and she knows how to keep me motivated. My workouts have been fun and they never get boring. Shea changes things up so I am surprised and excited to learn what comes next. She has me doing things in the gym that I never imagined were possible. If you would have told me that I would be running on a treadmill I would have thought you were crazy, but Shea convinced me that I could do it and I can!
I am really looking forward to the Fitness Challenge contest. I know the competition will be tough but it will also be a lot of fun. I appreciate all the help I have received at Personally Fit. Everyone here is great and they make it a joy to come and workout. I never feel intimidated and appreciate everyone’s positive attitudes. I thought I would never say that I enjoy working out, but I really do because of the assistance of Shea Vogel and the great staff at Personally Fit."
Betsy Pistone, 2009
Betsy Pistone, 2009

Cindy Masche, 2010
Cindy Masche, 2010

Courtney Gill, 2011
Courtney Gill, 2011

Samir Germanwala, 2012
Samir Germanwala, 2012

Angela Scroggins, 2013
Angela Scroggins, 2013

Josh Ayres, 2014
Josh Ayres, 2014

“I’ve had to purchase new clothes because my old ones are too big!”
“Working out at Personally Fit has really changed the way I think about diet and exercise. It’s a lifestyle and a choice. The more I stick to that, the more results I see. Chris Hillhouse has been a great trainer. He pushes me to move forward and puts up with my whining at the same time. He doesn’t let me quit, and that’s exactly what I need. Personally fit is not the first place I’ve been to try to lose weight and get in shape. The last time I tried, I went in and took a physical while speaking to the trainers there about their program. The looks I got from the trainer and general “feel” of the entire place was discouraging. They didn’t believe I could do this! I was going somewhere for positive reinforcement and they looked at me like I was crazy. The staff at Personally Fit has been very welcoming and encouraging. Since I started, I’ve had to purchase new clothes because my old ones are too big. That is a great problem to have! I’m half way to my goal and very excited with my progress. Thank you Personally Fit!”
Cody Hertel, 2015
Cody Hertel, 2015

I changed 3 key focus areas during this challenge:
- I started drinking a gallon of water a day.
- I started doing 2 Isagenix cleanse days back to back once a month.
- I adjusted my workout focus.
I went from training for and completing a half-marathon while attending multiple Tribe classes weekly to still attending my Tribe workouts, but switching my running focus to shorter, sprint interval training with bleacher exercises.
I have seen a huge difference in my energy level and am starting to see definition in my body. NONE, I REPEAT, N-O-N-E of this would have been possible without the wisdom, inspiration, knowledge, and encouragement that I received from Personally Fit, Chris Hill, and Chris Hillhouse! Their down to earth advice and workouts are killers at times, but PRICELESS! Thank you for all the encouragement consistently shown not only to me, but to everyone!
I plan to start my 4th sixteen week challenge tomorrow and WILL reach my long term weight loss goal of 140 lbs. during this challenge. I am enjoying my new healthy lifestyle.
~Jodi Childress
Jodi Childress, May 2016-May 2017
Jodi Childress, May 2016-May 2017

Roy Price, May 2017
Roy Price, May 2017

Teri Gonzalez-November 2018
Teri Gonzalez-November 2018

Jason Odom-November 2018
Jason Odom-November 2018

Great job ladies! They also always work their hardest and give 100% during each class! Way to represent!!!! — with Jeanne McMinn and Julie Taylor at Personally Fit.
Brenda Bishop, Jeanne McMinn, Julie Taylor-2019
Brenda Bishop, Jeanne McMinn, Julie Taylor-2019

Hey Chris,
Can’t thank you enough. This is truly a new lease on life for me. So many things have changed. As you know, my goal was to get my blood sugar under control. Not only is it very controlled, but I think I told you that in just a few more months I will get to stop the insulin injections completely. I’m sure the other diabetic meds will be reduced to a small amount for maintenance, if even that. My blood pressure medicine is the smallest dosage that can be prescribed, and I no longer sleep with my c-pap equipment.
I have given your information to a couple of ladies. (My doctor’s nurse and our church secretary) I hope they follow through.
Oh, another thing. I will be traveling by air a couple of times this summer and am excited I will be more comfortable in my seat.
Debbie Norris, May 2019
Debbie Norris, May 2019

Sara Houston, 2022
Sara Houston, 2022

Ava Martin, 2022
Ava Martin, 2022