Just fill in the form below to receive…
“The Greatest Referral Gift Ever!”
$285 Value, Yours 100% Free. No Cost. No Obligation.
From Chris Hill
Owner of Personally Fit by Chris Hill
Dear New Friend of Personally Fit,
You’re here because one of our awesome clients, partners or friends referred you to us…or because you want to refer yourself. Yes! You can even refer yourself and receive The Greatest Referral Gift Ever! (as long as you’re not already a client).
Here’s What Your $285 Value Referral Gift Includes:
- Fitness Evaluation ($75)
- Week of Tribal Fitness Boot Camp class ($100)
- Free 5 Day Metabolic Jumpstart Ebook ($25)
- ABC Cookbook ($50)
- KISS Nutrition Plan ($35)
Just enter your information to get it all, completely free, with no obligation to buy anything, ever:
Chris Hill Chris@personallyfitbychrishill.com 100% free. No credit card necessary. Why Do We Give You Such a Valuable Referral Gift? Actually, there are 3 reasons:
- All of our best clients come to us by referral. We love working with great people, so we do everything we can to get more of you!
- We’d rather GIVE awesome value to you…than BUY a bunch of advertising. Businesses that advertise a lot tend to pay for it by charging their customers more. We’d rather GIVE you more value, not TAKE more of your money.
- Our clients love to refer us because they trust us to deliver body (and life) transforming results to the people they care about. So we created a fun, win-win referral program. You obviously win big with this $285 value “Greatest Referral Gift Ever!” The person referring you can win some very cool prizes. Local charities win because we donate $10 for every referral. And we win, because we get to help you become the best version of yourself.
$10 Donated to a Wonderful Local Charity for Every Referral When you fill in your name and address below, we donate $10 to The Junior League of Longview which is one of the excellent local charities here in Longview. The Junior League’s educational and charitable programs include such programs as The School Supply Train which provides free school supplies, uniforms, and a new pair of shoes to qualifying students. It’s our way of consistently giving back to the awesome community that has supported Personally Fit for over 19 years. Remember, your Referral Gift is absolutely free. You don’t pay a single dollar. So the $10 donation to charity comes from us, on your behalf.
Chris Hill
100% free. No credit card necessary.
Yes, You Can Even Refer Yourself!
Maybe you’re not here because of a referral from someone else.
Maybe you heard about us through the grapevine-and looked us up. Or maybe you just stumbled onto our site and liked what you saw.
However you got here…we’re just happy you’re here.
And since you’ve read this far, you’re clearly interested in learning more.
So definitely enter your name and email into the form and grab The Greatest Referral Gift Ever!
We’ll call it a self-referral.
Why We Call it “The Greatest Referral Gift Ever!”
For starters, it’s got a REAL value of $285. When’s the last time a business gave you a gift worth that much…just for checking them out?
Remember, you’re not buying anything here today…you’re just saying “maybe”.
That’s it.
And this is very important: nobody here will EVER pressure you to buy something. Because that’s bad business. All it does is turn people off.
We’d much rather reward you.
And that’s why, when you enter your name and email on this page, you get all this inside The Greatest Referral Gift Ever!
GIFT #1: Fitness Evaluation
You get an hour long comprehensive body mapping, functional movement screening, and biometrics session. You will have immediate results and feedback from your trainer.
GIFT #2: One Week of Tribe Fitness Boot Camp Class
You get a week of Tribal Fitness Boot Camp Class ($100 value) – This is the group training program that kinda made us famous here in Longview. Whether you’re at a beginning, intermediate or advanced level, we make sure the class meets your needs. You’ll be with others like you-led by a professional, certified Fitness Coach instructing and motivating you. This way you can try our services completely risk free. It is by far the single most effective program we’ve ever seen for putting men and women from 21 to 71 on the fastest track to getting their best body. *Check out some of our client transformation stories on this page.*
GIFT #3: 5 Day Metabolic Jumpstart Ebook
You get The 5 Day Metabolic Jumpstart Ebook($25 value)- a simple guide of how to jumpstart your metabolism with recipes, daily tips, and more.
GIFT #4: ABC Cookbook
You get a copy of the ABC Cookbook($50 value)-This is a cookbook written by several top fitness professionals across the world. The book is not only a recipe book, but a guide to healthy eating.
GIFT #5: KISS Nutrition Plan
You get our KISS Nutrition Plan($35 value)-which is a simple nutrition plan that you can use anywhere. It is not a restrictive recipe for failure, but a fundamental approach to healthy eating that you can use for a lifetime.
$285 Value. Yours 100% Free.
As you can see, The Greatest Referral Gift Ever! lives up to its title. $285 in value, completely free to you. No cost and no obligation to buy a thing. Just our way of introducing ourselves to you…in a BIG and FUN way.
I hope you’ll accept this gift.
To do that, just complete the form below. And that will put you on a path that has the potential to change your life, just like it has for so many others here in town.
Enter your name and email to get your gift now:
Chris Hill
100% free. No credit card necessary.
Why People Say We’re the Best in Town We have a wonderful community – a real “fitness family” that supports, motivates and encourages one another. And that kind of caring accountability is priceless. Many say it’s the difference-maker. Here’s what some of them have to say about us. (These comments are from real people. You’ll probably meet these folks at some point.)
![]() “I began working with a trainer at Personally Fit twice a week in October of 2007. I love the atmosphere at Personally Fit and all the trainers- especially my trainer, Chris Hill. Another great benefit is receiving the nutrition information that Chris has for the clients of Personally Fit. I feel that he has done the research and only recommends products he knows are the best. I feel my physical and mental health has greatly improved because of the guidance I have received from Chris. I wish I would have done this for myself many years ago, but I am glad I am able to reap the benefits now.” Lisa Allen
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Get All This, Right Now, 100% Free:
- Fitness Evaluation ($75 Value)
- One Week of Tribal Fitness Boot Camp ($100 value)
- Free 5 Day Metabolic Jumpstart Ebook ($25 value)
- ABC Cookbook ($50 value)
- KISS Nutrition Plan ($35 value)
Just complete the form below to get it all with no cost, and no obligation to buy anything. We look forward to meeting you and helping you become the best version of yourself!
Chris Hill
100% free. No credit card necessary.